Home of the World’s biggest Smart City Network

Our autonomous sensors can be deployed in volume at a reasonable cost, enabling rapid large-scale deployments. The sensors use wireless communications and are solar powered, making them independent and self-sustaining.

Connected devices in cities aim to improve our wellbeing by
measuring, reporting, analysing and predicting:


Speeding is a real problem on our roads – both urban and rural. Traffic Speed monitoring provides city planners and regulators real-time and historic information where are the areas with elevated danger levels and how they develop.

Because of increasing traffic congestions in urban areas it is important to understand road traffic density in real time. This helps to improve control and effective traffic management. Historic data helps to understand how traffic density changes across a city and what are the effects of the measures taken.


Determine whether the noise levels in a location are in compliance with regulations. Settle disputes about noise with data.

Thinnect sensors bring intelligence at the edge of the network. Thinnect sensors are able to determine the type of a noise source, helping to identify the source of the problem.


CO poses a significant health risk and oftentimes CO levels in modern cities are above safe levels. Because CO is odorless, colorless, and otherwise undetectable to the human senses, people may not know that they are being exposed. Thinnect Smart City sensors provide an easy way to detect this invisible trouble maker.

NO2 is another dangerous pollutant that is common in modern cities. Humans are unable to sense the presence of NO2, making it an invisible hazard. Thinnect Smart City sensors can warn you of the risk.

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