Thinnect Kuku raadio Restardis: Kas kohvikus on viirus?

Thinnect Kuku raadio Restardis: Kas kohvikus on viirus?

Sellenädalases Kuku raadio Restardis oli saatejuhtide Henrik Roonemaa ja Taavi Kotka külaliseks Thinnecti juht Jürgo Preden – jutuks tuli meie uus sisekliima jälgimise lahendus ja natuke sai räägitud ka varsti algavast rahakaasamise voorust.

Järelkuulata saab podcastina oma lemmik-taskuhäälinguäpist või siis veebist:

By |2021-10-28T08:12:07+02:00October 28, 2021|Uudised|0 Comments

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Thinnect on tech radio programme “Restart”: Is there a virus in the cafe?

Henrik Roonemaa and Taavi Kotka, the hosts of radio Kuku radio “Restart” podcast, were joined this week by Thinnect CEO Jurgo Preden. The show focused on Thinnect’s new smart indoor air quality monitoring system and the upcoming financing round Thinnect is planning to raise.

You can listen to the recording in your favourite podcast app or online here (in Estoninan):

By |2021-10-28T11:01:55+02:00October 28, 2021|News|0 Comments

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